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NAWX Radar
National Research Council (NRC) of Canada Airborne W and X-band Radar

The NRC Airborne W and X-band (NAWX) radar system has polarimetric and Doppler capabilities at both wavelengths and can switch electronically between zenith, nadir and side looking antennas. The NAWX radar system has the following capabilities: pulse compression and frequency hopping capability at W-band for improved sensitivity and range and temporal resolution; space qualified W-band tube with1.9 kW peak power and 3% duty cycle, designed for the CLOUDSAT mission; electronic switching at both frequencies, allowing near-simultaneous sampling of the atmosphere in three planes along the flightline using six antennas; innovative design incorporating NRC-developed INS-GPS integrated navigation system for real-time Doppler correction; and synchronized operation and data collection for dual-wavelength analysis.

NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory passes Antarctica's tallest peak, Mount Vinson, on Oct. 22, 2012, during a flight over the continent to measure changes in the massive ice sheet and sea ice. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger (Photography courtesy NASA Images)

Instrument Details

Earth Science > Atmosphere > Precipitation
Earth Science > Atmosphere > Weather Events
Earth Science > Atmosphere > Clouds
Full Column Profile
0.11-1 μs for X-band, 0.1-10 μs for W-band
150 m at 5 km for X-band, 60 m at 5 km for W-band
9.41 GHz +- 30 MHz for X-band, 94.05 GHz for W-band
External Link
  • Mengistu Wolde, Andrew Pazmany

  • Mengistu Wolde, Andrew Pazmany

  • NRC Aerospace, ProSensing Inc.

  • National Research Council, Canadian Space Agency

  • Currently unavailable


Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO Validation Project

Ontario, Canada
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1 Deployment
· 6 Data Products